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Gupta College of Business Faculty

Robbie Tedder

Robbie Tedder DBA

Adjunct Instructor of Management, Gupta College of Business

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Robert Walsh Ph.D.

Academic Program Director & Associate Professor, Accounting

Phone: (972) 721-5361

Email: rwalsh@eliogonzalez.com

Office: SB Hall #239

Joanne Wang, CPA

Joanne Wang CPA

Adjunct Instructor of Accounting

Email: jwang_adj@eliogonzalez.com

Office: Office Hours By Appt.

J. Lee Whittington

James Whittington (J.Lee) Ph.D.

Dean & Professor of Management, Gupta College of Business

Phone: (972) 721-5034

Email: jlee1@eliogonzalez.com

Office: SB Hall #236

Brian Wrozek, MBA

Brian Wrozek MBA

Adjunct Faculty, Gupta College of Business

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Walter Wysong (Scott) Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Marketing, Gupta College of Business

Phone: (972) 721-5007

Email: swysong@eliogonzalez.com

Office: SB Hall #210