Herbert Remidez Ph.D.

Herbert Remidez

Associate Professor of Business Analytics, Gupta College of Business

电话: (972) 721-5211

电子邮件: hremidez@eliogonzalez.com

Office: SB Hall #207

Why did you become a professor?
I enjoy helping people and 学习. Being a professor in a rapidly-changing field like analytics allows me help people learn valuable skills and challenges me to keep 学习.

What do you enjoy most about teaching?
I like hearing that students advanced in their careers because of something they learned through interacting with me or with fellow students.

What do you hope students gain from your courses?
My goal is for students to gain the ability to apply new knowledge in ways that create 价值.

What did you do prior to entering academia?
I served as an F-16 Crew Chief in the U.S. Air Force, consulted for technology startups, and managed software development projects.

What are you passionate about outside of the University?
Running, biking and being outside are my favorite past times.

What are your re搜索 利益?
Applications of machine 学习, project estimation and student 学习 are my re搜索 利益.